4 Classes Of Family: Poor vs Middle vs Rich Class Family

Classes Of Family Group

We Know about classes of families who rich and middle and poor by their wealth and income etc.., generally this page for all country but main targeted countries which country around currency strong like similar as India, China, Russia, Japan, and African Country.

classes of family
Classes of Family Group

Types Of Family Group

There are 4 types of a family group

  1. Poor/Low-Class Family
  2. Lower Middle-Class Family
  3. Upper Middle-Class Family
  4. Rich/High-Class Family

According to a survey, approximately  1.5% to 2% of People belong to a rich or high-class family who are Billionaire or Millionaire., and the rest 97.5% to 98% of People Belong to Poor class family, Lower Middle-Class Family and Upper Middle-Class Family. Mostly Poor or Uneducated People, Low Educated people, Bad Environment People, Rural/Villagers Are Belong to Poor/Low-Class Family.

Know About Your Family

In Below Table Check That which family group does you belong to.

Poor/LowLower MiddleUpper MiddleRich/High
*Annual Income- >$1.5K *Annual Income- $1.5k – $5k *Annual Income- $5k – $15k *Annual Income- < $15+k more
*Mobile *SmartPhone *SmartPhone Every Member *SmartPhone Every Member
*cycle *Laptop *Laptop *Laptop Every Member
*Child Study *Home Gadgets *AC/cooler *AC
Min 2 Bedroom *Fridge, Fan/Cooler, TV *Home Gadgets *Home Gadgets
Two Wheeler *Child Study *Smart Speaker *4 Wheeler Every Member
Laptop Smart Speaker *4 Wheeler *Fridge, TV, Cooler, Whashing Machine
Min 2 Employed Person Min 2 Member Employed *Fidge, TV, Whashing Machine *Servants
Home Gadgets 2/3  Wheeler *min 4 Bedroom *Min 10 Bedroom
washing Machine *Child Study *Child Study In Expensive School
Min 3 Bedroom *Min 2 Member Employed *Min 2 Member Employed
Travelling Local Businesses *Business/Company/ Entrepreneur
Travelling- National/International *Net Worth $Million or $Billion
*Travelling ../International
  • ‘*’ means mandatory and it can available.

Facts About Family

  1. approximately 1.5% to 2% of people on the earth who belong to rich/high class of family
  2. on earth has a most middle-class families now
  3. The USA has 600 Billionaire and their combined net worth is approximately $3.2 Trillion .. [2020]
  4. approximately  20 Million Millionaire in the USA who share 40% of the world’s total number of Millionaire.
  5. Most Poor class families and Lower middle-class families belong to Africa, and Asia Because here more children and Parents couldn’t afford high education.
  6. According to a survey, English Spoken or Understanding People are the wealthiest.
  7. the mostly poor class families belong to the village.
  8. uneducated people can be poor.
  9. mostly poor people jealous of wealthy people so they couldn’t be wealthy.
  10. mostly labor/worker belong to the poor class family.
